Monday, December 08, 2003

Nissan, Textism, Google bombing

No. No. Nissan is mean. No. If you know why I'm mad at Nissan, you probably are too. If you don't know, you don't want to.

I came across this site, Textism. Mostly it's too esoteric to even think about mining through, but there's this one page where this guy reviews typefaces sold by Adobe for a hundred dollars each. That's a lot of money, but...I seriously find it fascinating that there are letter connoisseurs, and I feel left out for not getting it. Truthfully I just want to be able to look down my nose at your pedestrian Arials and Timeses and say things like, "Regrettably every book published between 1987 and 1991 was set in some bad Palatino or other; this may be why I watched so much television in those years."

In an attempt to figure out why certain things "I'm Feeling Lucky"-submitted to Google reliably return shocking results (try "miserable failure"), I found this interesting article on the technique of "Google bombing," manipulating Google's search results with blogs through a loophole in its algorithms. Clever.


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