Sunday, October 17, 2004

Revamp, Jon Stewart on Crossfire, Rockbox

Now this is what a blog should look like!
The two reasons for the revamp:

  • My coming to terms with / embracing this site's blogdom, and
  • This video.

The above video features Jon Stewart railing against CNN's journalistic ethics as a guest on Crossfire, and is so un-believe-able that it must be seen by as many people as possible. Isn't it a big deal when a best-selling author, Emmy-winner and generally admired personality so nakedly confronts the practices of the biggest name in cable news on its own show? I think it is. The internet can't be the only place this is getting attention.

I found a new, open-source firmware for my shitty Archos Jukebox called Rockbox. I'm too excited not to mention it.