Sunday, December 14, 2003

The Pod, etc.

My faith in humanity has been revived, a little. Last night a guy thanks me for letting him download a Godspeed album on WinMX: an admirable gesture by itself. We get to talking about music, and I happen to mention Ween. He shares my fondness for the band, and goes on to say that The Pod is his favorite album of theirs. I tell him of my woes in trying to download that album over the past few months, hours of effort that have resulted in acquiring a little over half the tracks (not to speak of whether they were incomplete or otherwise flawed). He tells me that he'll rip his copy of the album and share it, so that the next time we're both signed on it'll be ready for me. After a few more minutes of talk he decides to rip it immediately, postponing his across-the-pond bedtime to hasten my long overdue exposure to the album. Long story short, some server problems result in my getting two tracks and being bitter for the rest of the night. I buy the album today to the great delight of the employees at Newbury Comics, only to come home and find this same guy telling me I could now successfully download it from him. Irony costs $15.99.

Chances are you haven't seen this Honda commercial, in which case you're really missing out.

So you like Johnny Depp, but you've been anticipating for years the day you'd get to see him in a purple top hat? That day is not far off, as Tim Burton directs Johnny Depp in Wonka: 2005. The movie Tim Burton was born to direct, finally.

I remember finding this really amusing when I first saw it.


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